What does Dunyā mean?
Dunyā (Arabic) is translated into English as world, the temporal world and its earthly possessions.

For Dunyā magazine, it also translates to the coming together of different cultures of the world, similar to the omnipresent nature of multiculturalism in Britain.
What is Dunyā magazine?
Dunyā is a new media publication, committed to celebrating Britain’s diversity, by reconnecting our readers with their heritage and highlighting cultural connections.
With our online and print magazine, Dunyā will be reporting on communities across the nation, exploring their roots through food, history, identity, and historical events.
Dunyā’s website is packed with videos, podcasts and features that explore how these elements define culture. You can also engage with online discussions and feel part of the online Dunyā community. Our aim is to listen firsthand to our reader’s concerns, helping them reconnect with their origins, whilst living in Britain.
Feel free to explore our socials to keep updated with the latest cultural news, seasonal events and additional multimedia content.
Through Dunyā, reconnect with your roots, retain your heritage, educate on community efforts, and celebrate an array of cultures.